Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Tribes of England

Some weeks late…

I think that we Anglophiles come in two distinct tribes: tea and pints. Those followers of tea and crumpets seem to be eternally enchanted with the Royal Family, consider Shakespeare the paragon of playwriting, and believe wholeheartedly in having a hat to match every sundress for Ascot. The pints care more about catching the Euro Cup finals, keep track of Gordon Brown, and look more at the reality of what England is and was.

I have, and always will, proudly describe myself as an Anglophile. My Facebook list of “Favorite TV” is basically a program listing for BBC America, and I can find my way on the Underground better than I will ever manage DC’s Metro; it’s general knowledge in my dorm that any question about the English can usually be answered by me with a fairly high degree of accuracy. Not that I’m bragging, or encouraging the image of my pomposity.

The difficulty I am having is figuring out where I fit; I keep one eye on the royals, and another on Gordon Brown. Most of my Anglo-centric time is spent on film and television; I read a lot, I watch a lot of movies, and then I read some history. Having spent an equal amount of time in pubs and teahouses, I find myself equally comfortable in both.

So maybe the answer to my dilemma is not nearly as complicated as I think. Maybe the only way to find out how I fit is simply to move to the UK. After all, I like it there. The food is pretty good. I don’t mind the rain.

Although, Wales is pretty cool too.